隐私政策 & 法律通知
The information on this p年龄 is written to explain to our website visitors how we collect information 和 protect your personal privacy as you interact with 中北书院 (“NC,“中北部”,或“学院”). We reserve the right to modify our policy at any time without any further notice 和 by using this website you agree to accept any changes that we make to this policy.
NC maintains its website to support its mission 和 to provide information about the College, 其政策, 校园设施, 以及教育和其他项目. NC希望这些信息是有用的,易于使用.
NC注意到,互联网浏览器对隐私问题很敏感, 和 NC will take reasonable precautions to safeguard the personal information users provide to NC. The information provided by users will only be 使用 for internal NC purposes.
NC makes efforts to ensure that its privacy policies 和 the applicable federal 和 state government policies are followed. Information submitted on the website is maintained in a secure 和 confidential manner.
本网站的访问受到监控. 请求url, 发出请求的设备, 和 the time of the request are logged for access statistics 和 security purposes. 使用本网站即表示同意上述监测, 以及收集这些信息.
Any information that a user voluntarily submits through forms or other direct interactions with the College, 包括用户名, address, contact 和 other information may be stored 和 使用 to personalize the interactions with the College. NC will not share this information with third-parties for non-College business purposes 和 NC does not store data such as credit card or social security numbers on the website.
非个人身份信息 refers to any data that NC collected based on aggregate browsing habits of our website visitors 和 device-specific data (i.e.(用户的网页浏览器或IP地址). NC不会将个人身份信息与此数据关联.
NC收集任何访问其网站的设备的IP地址, but the IP address is not linked to any personally identifiable information. NC uses IP addresses to analyze broad trends for user behavior 和 troubleshoot issues on its server so that it can improve the website.
饼干 are data tokens that are saved in a user’s browser when a user interacts with NC’s website. 这些数据为学院提供了有关您的浏览习惯的信息, 允许NC在NC的网站上个性化用户体验. 饼干 may be disabled by the user by changing the user’s browser settings.
NC works with external third-party services to place ads that maybe seen on other websites, 比如脸谱网或谷歌. These third-party services use non-personalized data that is collected about a user’s browsing habits (for example the 页面 accessed 和 the links clicked) on our website in order to personalize your ad experience on other websites.
More information about how to opt-out of third-party ad tracking is available:
A user may man年龄 the ads 和 privacy settings that are seen on Google at:
A user may also opt-out of any email communications from NC by following the instructions in the emails received from NC.
中北书院 collects data about social media users who interact with its 脸谱网 和 推特 页面. For more information on how to view a user’s rights 和 to change a user’s privacy settings, 请浏览以下连结:
立博在线体育网站(northcentralcollege).Edu)与 万神殿.
有关他们对安全的承诺,请参阅(http://pantheon.io /Security)
30 N. 布雷纳德圣.
收件人:Adam Fontana
中北书院 maintains this website to support its mission 和 to be of service to its 学生 和 their parents, 她的老师, 工作人员, 校友, 朋友和支持者, 以及一般公众使用.
的商标, 服务商标, 贸易名称, logos 和 other intellectual property in this site are owned by the College 和 may not be 使用 in any electronic, printed publication or other format without the express prior written permission of NC.
中北书院 makes a reasonable attempt to ensure that the information on its site is accurate 和 up to date. NC对准确性不作任何陈述或保证, 信息的可靠性或完整性, 文本, 图形, links or other items contained in this site or any site linked to or from NC’s site. NC保留更改节目的权利, 本网站所述政策及服务随时不另行通知, 和 NC will not be liable for any actual special or consequential dam年龄s that result from the use of, 或者无法使用, 本网站的资料.
个别教员所表达的观点和意见, 工作人员 和 学生 on personal web页面 found within the NC website are strictly those of the p年龄 authors.
For the user’s convenience, links are provided to other non-College sites. 这些链接仅供参考. NC不对这些网站的内容负责. NC不认可或批准运营这些网站的实体.
本网站可能不时因机械故障而无法使用, 电信, 软件, 硬件和第三方供应商故障. NC cannot predict or control when such downtime may occur 和 cannot control the duration of such downtime.
Our site contains links to other websites maintained or controlled by third parties. 请注意,当你点击其中一个链接, you are entering another website for which 中北书院 has no responsibility. We encour年龄 you to read the privacy notices on all third party sites as their policies may be different than ours.
We may also provide social media features that enable you to share information with your social networks 和 to interact with 中北书院 on various social media sites. Please note that when you share your information on these social media sites, you are entering a third party site for which 中北书院 has no responsibility.
除了, your use of these features may result in the collection or sharing of information about you, 取决于特性, 第三方社交媒体网站. 立博在线体育鼓励您查看隐私政策, notices 和 settings on the social media sites with which you interact to make sure you underst和 the information that may be collected, 使用, 并被这些网站分享.
立博在线体育不歧视申请人, 学生, 基于种族歧视的教职员工, 宗教, 年龄, 残疾的人, 国家或民族出身, 性别或性取向, 退伍军人身份或任何受当地政府保护的军衔, 州或联邦法律.